Keeping cool in the summer and warm in the winter is vital for our comfort and peace of mind. However, this never happens on its own. Several elements come into play to make your home a welcoming environment all year round. Here’s our summer home maintenance checklist:
- Air Conditioning MaintenanceÂ
The first thing on everyone’s minds when it comes to summers is fun in the sun and then a chilled house to rest in afterward. That’s not possible without a working AC (Air Conditioning) system. After being on the shelf the rest of the year, sometimes our ACs gather dust, or there’s some damage from the previous year that had remained unaddressed.Â
That’s why the first thing on our checklist is to call a professional for all possible AC services before you need to turn it on. If there’s any damage, then running it without fixing the damage will only increase the issues.
- InsulationÂ
If you are afraid of high energy bills this summer, then never fear since the solution is near. You can always make a few degrees of difference in temperature by upgrading the home’s insulation. Every year, they come up with newer insulation technology to make your life easier.
You can get spray foam insulation on the walls or the roof. If you want to remodel the exterior of the home, it’s the perfect opportunity to add any special insulation padding, too.
- Paint
We underestimate the power of colors. Painting the outsides of buildings white makes them cooler on the inside. Also, that is truer for buildings in contact with direct sunlight since light is reflected off the white surface instead of being absorbed by the colors.
You can paint the roofs or entire exterior white to cool your home and give it a fresh new look for the summer all in one.
- Natural Gas Generators
After getting serviced or repaired, your ACs may be reliable, but sometimes the power is not. If there was a big thunderstorm or accident, the power might go out, leaving you to sweat in the heat. That’s why a power generator is an essential item on our summer guest list.
Buying a power generator or getting power generator maintenance should be at the top of your priority list. This way, no matter the rain or shine, you’ll get power and keep your home cozy in the summer.
- Sprinklers or WateringÂ
We all enjoy the look of a nice lush green lawn outside. What if I told you that if you water it before noon when the sun is at its hottest, you will exploit natural evaporative cooling to keep your home cool?
As the sun hits the earth, the water will turn into steam, and it will cool the surface of the earth instead of letting the heat get absorbed. You can also wash the road in front of your house at the same time, and that will also make a difference.